Unlike most schools where the management of school systems happens “behind the scenes” by adults, our students are invested and involved in all aspects of school life. They’re helping to run a nonprofit organization starting at age 5!

Community Rotation System
We’ve had several All School Meetings to discuss how we want to improve our community both as a culture and a working system. We already have a functioning Community Rotation system that we instituted last school year to share in the work of vital tasks. You can read an explanation of how that system works here.
Our Community Rotation System roles are:
Community Manager - keeps track of the rotation system and substitutes should someone be absent. They make the new rotation at the end of each two week cycle and manage daily chore time.
Meeting Facilitator - runs our daily Mini Morning Meeting and chairs our weekly School Meeting
Community Secretary - takes notes at our Restorative Justice Committee (RJC) meetings 3 times a week, at weekly School Meetings, and any scheduled All School Meetings
RJC Facilitator - reviews concern forms submitted by students and staff and facilitates meetings 3 times a week to discuss concerns and come up with creative solutions that benefit everyone. They can call upon a staff advisor for help and may refer complicated concerns to School Meeting.
Cleaning Zone Managers - help make sure the 4 “zones” at the school get thoroughly cleaned by their zone crew every day during our 1:15pm chore time. They guide, motivate, and model taking care of our space.
Cleaning Zone Crew - help sweep/vacuum, mop, wipe down surfaces, take out trash/recycling, refill soap and paper towels, and tidy up all of our beautiful campus on a daily basis under the direction of their zone manager.
Management Teams
This year we decided to continue to divide up the work of running the school more equitably and effectively with “Management Teams.” Everyone at school identified the “top 10” areas that needed management at school and decided that everyone should choose at least 3 of these areas that they feel most passionately about and want to have a hand in defining and maintaining.
Our 10 Management Teams are:
1. Kitchen
2. Back Hallway & “Tech Den”
3. Gym & Sports
4. Art Studio
5. Lounge
6. Engineering Room
7. Main room Books and Games:
8. Imagination Room
9. Maintenance Supplies
10. Entrance & Logistics
Teams have been meeting with the help of older students (more practiced now in running meetings) to define rules and policies. Teams will be holding workshops to make sure everyone knows the “do’s and don’ts” for each space and which items might need additional “certification” to use (ie. Sewing machine, glue gun, 3D printer, skillet, etc.).
It’s exciting to watch the shared management of things at school and, as research has shown, know that youth who have an active hand in running their lives become more confident and competent adults.